2020-2021 HCC Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2020-2021 HCC Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


General Admissions Criteria

A comprehensive community college system, HCC offers many programs designed to meet the needs of students according to their interests. As an open-admission, two-year undergraduate institution, HCC has an “open door” admissions policy; individuals who have at least one of the following qualifications are welcome to enroll:

  • Accredited High School diploma; or
  • High School Equivalency certificate; or
  • College-level hours earned at other accredited colleges or universities; or
  • International students who meet college and state requirements; or
  • An eligible high school student.

Admission to HCC does not guarantee admission to a particular course or program. HCC utilizes the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment to assess the level of students’ reading, writing, and math skills. Based upon their assessment results and specific program objectives, students may be required to take developmental and/or prerequisite courses. If the TSI assessment exam is not available, students will be required to enroll in a co-requisite model with a paired college course and a developmental course to satisfy the TSI requirement. In addition, special admission requirements have been established for programs that require students to possess previously learned skills and knowledge. Applicants may obtain some additional admission criteria by visiting www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying.

For further information regarding admissions to certain programs, see below.

The applicable Board policies FB(LOCAL) and FB(LEGAL) can be found at: www.hccs.edu/about-hcc/policies/hcc-board-policy-manual-section-f

Admissions Application

All students, except international students, must apply online using the Apply Texas website at www.applytexas.org. There is no charge to apply using the Apply Texas website. The process for international student applications is contained in the section titled International Services and Programs below.

Admissions Application Deadline

The admissions application deadline is one week before the class start date. Students should submit the application at least one week before the class start date. The application deadline calendar is available at www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/application-deadlines.

New Student Checklist

After submitting an admissions application, students will receive a welcome email from HCC with a link to the student portal. The student portal will include a checklist of items that must be completed as part of the enrollment and registration process. These include items a student must submit and also required trainings and background information on various topics.

Online College Admissions

HCC does not have a separate admission policy for the Online College. All admission policies described above apply to all students regardless of course delivery modality. New online students may be asked to participate in an assessment that measures the student’s readiness for online learning.

Health Science Program Admissions

Admission to HCC does not guarantee admission to a specific program. The HCC Health Sciences Programs have special conditions for admissions, including the following possibilities: successful completion of prerequisite courses, acceptable scores on the Health Information Systems, Inc. (HESI) or other exams, submission of a personal narrative, and/or personal interview. For details, please visit www.hccs.edu/centers/health-sciences.

Continuing Education Programs Admissions

Some HCC Continuing Education Programs have special conditions for admissions, including the following possibilities: successful completion of prerequisite courses, acceptable scores on prerequisite exams, criminal background checks, and/or special licenses or certifications.

For details, please visit www.hccs.edu/continuing-education.

Veteran and Military-Affiliated Students Admissions

Veteran and/or Military-Affiliated Students who plan to use VA/GI Bill and/or State of Texas “Hazlewood Act” educational benefits must follow the steps outlined in the applicable HCC enrollment checklist. Further information is available at Veteran & Military-Affiliated Student Success (VMASS) Resource Centers on campus, on the website at www.hccs.edu/support-services/veteran-affairs, or by phone at 713-718-8522.

Upon completion of the Admissions Application, Military, Veteran and/or Military-Affiliated students should contact an HCC Student Advisor to address questions regarding enrollment and/or gaining access to additional resources or information. Students may go to any advisor at any campus location. For information on how to contact a campus advisor, please see www.hccs.edu/support-services/advising.

Registration of Sex Offenders

The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Section 62.153 requires each person who has been convicted of specific sexual offenses and who intends to attend classes at an institution of higher education to register with the HCC Police Department. Registered Sex Offenders seeking to attend HCC are required to register with the HCC Police Department within ten days of enrolling in class, but not later than the seventh day after the date the person begins to attend school. FL(REGULATION), referenced below, explains in detail the process Registered Sex Offenders should follow, including the process for enrollment in their academic program.

Registered Sex Offenders must register with the HCCPD at the following location only:

Criminal Investigation Division of the HCC Police Department
3821 Caroline Street, Houston, Texas 77004
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (except during HCC closures or holidays)

More information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and applicable Board policies FL(LOCAL); FL(LEGAL); FL(REGULATION) available at www.hccs.edu/about-hcc/policies/hcc-board-policy-manual-section-f.


Re-admission After Absence

Students who have not enrolled for two or more consecutive regular semesters (fall, spring) must complete the core residency questions and satisfy all applicable requirements for residency prior to registration. See Residency Information below.

After Suspension/Academic Withdrawal

Students seeking re-admission after being placed on enforced Academic Withdrawal or Suspension at HCC must attend a Student Learning Intervention Program (SLIP) session at the college they attend. Students may be required to enroll in specified courses and/or have their course load limited. Students may contact their Dean of Student Services or campus counselor with questions about this process.

Academic Fresh Start

Under the provisions of the Texas Education Code Section 51.931, Texas residents seeking to apply for admission or re-admission to HCC and/or any specialized program at HCC may elect to have academic course credit more than ten years old prior to the starting date of the semester in which they seek to enroll not be considered as part of the admissions process. An applicant admitted to HCC under this provision may not receive any course credit for courses taken ten or more years prior to enrollment. This means courses excluded under this provision may not be counted toward a degree, GPA calculations, academic standing or to meet pre-requisite requirements. Applicants interested in the Academic Fresh Start Program must meet all HCC admissions requirements and must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities along with a petition found at https://www.hccs.edu/media/houston-community-college/district/admissions-and-enrollment/Academic-Fresh-Start.pdf prior to admission to HCC.

Admission for High School or Non-Credit Students

Certain HCC programs require additional or special admissions information. Those programs are described briefly below.

High School Student Admissions and Enrollment

Currently enrolled high school or homeschooled students may enroll in the same volume of HCC courses (each semester) as a traditional HCC student. Students should furnish a high school transcript, TSI scores (or documentation of exemption from TSI requirements), and approval from their high school. These students will need to maintain a “C” average to continue taking courses at HCC without limitations.

Dual Credit

To be eligible for any dual credit course, a student may be currently enrolled in a public-school district, charter, private school, or be a homeschool student with an established memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Houston Community College. All dual credit MOUs are posted at www.hccs.edu/programs/dual-credit/dual-credit-memorandums-of-understanding.

Dual Credit students must complete an HCC admission application and submit an official high school transcript indicating PLAN, PSAT, TAKS, STAAR SAT, and/or ACT test scores (or bring the official test score report if test scores do not appear on the high school transcript). Dual Credit students are also allowed to take the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment to qualify for college courses taught as dual credit. Academic Dual Credit Courses: To be eligible for academic dual credit courses, high school students must pass the applicable areas of a Texas Success Initiative. The student may be exempt from state mandated TSI testing if the student meets the qualifying standards on applicable areas of the SAT, ACT, PLAN, PSAT, or qualifying STAAR scores by subject. Students may take college level courses related to the area(s) of the test they pass. A student must also meet institutional course prerequisites. Dual Credit students must take only courses that apply directly to their pathway and degree plan.

In 2015, House Bill 505 removed limitations on the number of classes a dual credit student may take. However, Houston Community College recommends that students taking more than two classes per semester possess a 3.0 or higher-grade point average in high school coursework. Dual Credit students, like all college students, are responsible for purchasing required textbooks and other essential course materials. The exception is in cases where the high school provides textbooks. All Dual Credit instructional material is based on the recommendation of the academic or workforce department. The Houston Community College Board of Trustees has waived tuition and fees for dual credit students residing within the taxing district (In-District) of the College. Students outside (Out of District) taxing districts may take dual credit classes at a cost of $65.00 per course. If taught in the high school, the dual credit class must be composed solely of dual credit and/or college credit students, not traditional high school students.

For Dual Credit courses, grading criteria allow faculty the opportunity to award high school and college credit based on the student’s performance. For further information, contact any HCC College P-16 Director at one of the college locations. Contact information is available at www.hccs.edu/programs/dual-credit/

Senate Bill 1091 limits the courses students may take. The options are to take academic core courses, career and technical education courses, or foreign language courses. Students enrolled in Early College High Schools are exempt from this legislation. Dual credit students must be placed on a degree plan when they enroll in the dual credit program.

Articulated Credit

HCC participates in the Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program (commonly known as statewide articulation), which provides an educational and training structure that is sensitive to the transition of high school students to college. The process that facilitates an orderly progression through programs of instruction is commonly referred to as “articulation.” Articulation agreements have been developed between HCC and school districts within the service area. These articulation agreements allow students to successfully complete certain Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses in high school to receive college credits, contingent upon enrollment in a similar Career and Technical Education program at HCC. The high school course must be on the state-approved articulated list and taught by an instructor who meets the HCC credential standards as defined by SACSCOC. Students will only be awarded articulated credit if they received a letter grade of “B” or higher in the high school course while maintaining an overall high school GPA of at least a “C.”

Students also will be awarded credit only if the course is a requirement of their degree or certificate. Any individuals interested in majoring in Workforce (CTE) programs who want to know if they qualify for articulated credit under an Advanced Technical Credit agreement should contact an HCC Dual Credit Success Coach, Advisor, or the appropriate program Department Chair. Students may apply for additional placement credit for no more than 25-percent of the degree hours. Credit for more than four courses in any one subject area requires special approval.

Early College High School Students

Early College High Schools (ECHS) provide students with a “seamless” pathway from high school to college. ECHS allows high school students to complete a two-year degree while working through a traditional high school degree plan. After tackling this rigorous course of study, students graduate high school while earning up to sixty college credits, most of which are transferable to the postsecondary institution of their choice. ECHS provides strong support to students and their family in obtaining entrance to, and success in, higher education. For a listing of ECHS, please visit www.tea.texas.gov/echs.

Homeschool and Private/Charter School Students

Homeschooled students may attend Houston Community College as dual credit students. They must meet the same requirements as dual credit students enrolled in public or private high schools and follow the same process of admittance to Houston Community College. In addition, they must document their status as homeschooled students, along with all pertinent information required to register for classes at Houston Community College.

The Houston Community College P-16 Directors facilitate processes, consistency, standards, and procedures for homeschoolers who attend Houston Community College as dual credit students.

Private and charter school students may take dual credit courses at Houston Community College, on campus or online but must work through the administration of their high school. Private and charter schools who want dual credit as an option for their students must have established partnerships with Houston Community College.

For more information including campus contacts, please visit the Dual Credit website at www.hccs.edu/dual-credit.

Admissions for Minors

Students who are 16 years old or younger AND have graduated from high school may be eligible for special admission to Houston Community College. Applicants who are admitted under the special admission process can enroll in college courses at an HCC campus or online.

In addition to the regular admission process, students age 16 years or younger must:

  • Show proof of education indicating graduation from public high school or completed secondary education according to the same general standards as those students who graduated from public high school; and
  • Once admitted, meet with the Dean of Student Success prior to registering for the first semester.

Students under the age of fourteen must have a parent or legal guardian available at the HCC campus site at all times when their child is attending each class. This is required to help monitor the student’s activities and to be immediately available in case of an emergency. While on site at HCC, the parent or legal guardian will not attend class in the student’s classroom with the student. Failure to be available on campus or insistence on being in the student’s classroom may cause the student to be removed from each enrolled class.

Non-Degree Seeking

A non-degree seeking applicant is admitted on the basis that coursework will be taken for personal enrichment and not for the purpose of seeking a degree or certificate. Non-degree seeking students may not enroll in more than a total of twelve semester credit hours and are not eligible for state or federal financial aid.

Special Program Admissions

As described below, certain HCC programs are available to students meeting special criteria. Students seeking admission to special programs should identify the programs to which they want to apply and follow the directions on the corresponding website.

Upward Bound

The Upward Bound (UB) Program emerged as the first federal program from the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Two other programs joined by 1968 to form TRIO; those programs were Talent Search and Student Support Services. Today there are nine programs under the TRIO umbrella and seven of them provide services directly to students.

Upward Bound is a federal program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college. UB provides opportunities to high school students from low-income families, from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor degree, and who show an academic need. The mission of UB is to assist high school students to complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. Upward Bound takes a holistic approach in preparing students academically, personally, and emotionally for the future. Upward Bound is a rigorous year-round college preparatory program that provides the following services:

  1. Academic classes in Math, English, Science, Computers, Foreign Language;
  2. Counseling, both academic and individual;
  3. Tutorials for all subjects;
  4. Cultural enrichment activities;
  5. Workshops;
  6. University tours;
  7. Six-week summer program;
  8. Work-study and internships; and
  9. Financial literacy for students and parents.

Houston Community College supports the mission and objectives of Upward Bound. HCC was an early supporter of TRIO programs and has hosted Upward Bound on its campuses since 1974 at Central Campus. In 1999, HCC applied and was granted a second Upward Bound program at Southeast Campus. Combined, HCC serves around 200 high school students as part of its Upward Bound family.

Upward Bound is a college preparatory program hosted at HCC and recruits from Houston Independent School District (HISD) at these high schools: Sam Houston, Yates, Austin, and Northside. Each interested student will complete an application, and an interview will be conducted with the parent and the student. Students will need to submit documents with the application to support their eligibility. Eligibility and acceptance are based on the documentation provided. Students must be meet the following criteria: 1) Low Income; 2) First Generation in college; 3) Academic Need; 4) U.S Citizen, Permanent Resident. All students must be between the ages 13-19, attend or are zoned in one of the high schools mentioned above, and have finished the eighth grade before joining the program.

For more information, visit www.hccs.edu/support-services/upward-bound.

VAST Academy (Vocational Advancement and Skills Training)

The VAST Academy provides post-secondary transition programs and comprehensive support services which lead to meaningful credentials, employment and independence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at three college campus locations: Central, Northwest/Spring-Branch and Southwest/Stafford. Opportunities include workforce certificates, precollege and freshman success bridge courses, career readiness credentials, internships, and employment assistance offered through an inclusive, relevant, affordable, and supportive environment. VAST Academy offers a Career Readiness/Occupational Skills Certificate under HCC’s Division of Extended Learning, School of Continuing Education. The program’s successful supportive strategies include person-centered planning, peer mentoring, independent living, and internships based on students’ interests and skills.

HCC’s VAST Academy has a formal admissions process. For information on admissions criteria, requirements and steps to apply please visit the website at www.hccs.edu/vast.

Honors College

The HCC Honors College is located at four campuses: Central, Northwest/Spring Branch, Southeast/Eastside and Southwest/Stafford. It offers high achieving students the opportunity for enriched instruction, leadership development, and the opportunity for study/travel abroad. The program is designed for full-time students beginning their college experience or with limited HCC credit hours (under fifteen). Students study together in cohorts for their core curriculum classes. Qualified students can receive scholarships and textbook assistance. To be eligible, students must have a 3.5 high school GPA or 3.5 HCC GPA, and college-ready scores on TAKS, SAT, ACT, or TSI. The Honors College application must be completed separately from the HCC application and all students are interviewed before acceptance. The application deadline for prior admissions is March 1, and for regular admissions on May 1 (or until the freshman class fills). The Honors College will continue to accept applications past the May 1 deadline until all slots are filled and thereafter, only as alternates on a waiting list. To access the application, go to the Applications/Deadlines section of www.hccs.edu/programs/honors-college. For more information, contact the Honors College Executive Director at 713-718-5203.