2023-2024 HCC Catalog & Student Handbook 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2023-2024 HCC Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Cost of Attendance and Exemptions/Waivers Information

Students are required to pay tuition and mandatory fees based on residency, as discussed above, and are subject to certain waivers and exemptions described elsewhere in this Catalog and Student Handbook. Tuition and fee rates are published on the HCC website and can be accessed at www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/tuition-calculator.

Some courses have additional fees specific to that course, such as laboratory and program fees. Check course listings for the additional fees. More information on course fees is contained below.

HCC charges a higher tuition rate to students registering for the third or subsequent time for certain courses. Students who enroll for most credit and Continuing Education Unit (CEU) classes for a third or more time will be charged an additional $50 per semester credit hour and $3 per contact hour, except for courses exempted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Texas Education Code 54.014 allows an institution of higher education to charge resident undergraduate students with excessive hours a higher tuition rate, not to exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students. If before the semester or other academic session begins, the student has previously attempted a number of semester credit hours for courses taken at any institution of higher education while classified as a resident student for tuition purposes that exceeds the number of semester credit hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled by at least 1) 15 hours of the hours required for an associate degree program; or 2) 30 hours of the number of hours required for completion of the degree program. For purposes of excess hours, an undergraduate student who is not enrolled in a degree program is considered to be enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program.

Parking fees are not part of the published standard Tuition and Fee rates. Therefore, parking fees will be billed separately from these established rates. At this time, there is no charge for parking at most HCC locations.

HCC reserves the right to change its tuition and fees and refund policy structure wholly or in part during the year covered by this Catalog and Student Handbook. Students are encouraged to check the HCC website for the most up to date information, as described below. Select fees are explained in more detail below.

Tuition and Fee Schedule for Academic Year 2023-2024

Visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/tuition-calculator for the most up-to-date information.

Semester Credit Tuition Fees

Description Amount
In District
Tuition ($50 minimum) $33 per hour
Out of District
Tuition Out-of-District ($138 minimum) $121 per hour
Tuition Out-of-State ($240 minimum) $151 per hour

Mandatory Fees

Description Amount
General Fee $25.50 per hour
Out-of-District General Fee $33.50 per hour
Out-of-State General Fee $50 per hour
Technology Fee $25 per hour
Student Activity Fee $1 per hour
($12 maximum)
Recreation Fee $6 per semester

Other Incidental Fees

Description Amount
Deferment/Reproduction Fee $50
Distance Education (Online) Fee $ 42 per course
Drop/Add Fee $15
Lab Fee $4 - $50
International Student Application Fee  $75
International Student Insurance Fee

Based on Insurance Vendor Pricing set yearly

International Student Orientation Fee $50
Installment Plan Enrollment Fee $30
Installment Plan Late Fee $10 per late installment
Reinstatement Fee $75
Repeater Fee $50 per hour
Returned Check Payment Fee $25
Stop Payment Fee $25
Transcript Fee $5
Transcript Fee through Service Provider Based on Service Provider Price

Testing Fees

Description Amount
Advance Standing Examination for College Credit Fee $25 per course
Advance Standing Credit Evaluation $25 per evaluation
ACCUPLACER College Level Math $10 per attempt
ACCUPLACER ESL $29 Initial Test
$10 Retest
CLEP Test $12
Correspondence Test - Proctoring Fee $25
EMT Testing Fee $29 - $209
HESI $45 - $88
National Registry Test Fee $80 - $125
NCLEX-RN Prep Fee $23 - $45
Medical Assistant Exam Fee $125
State Fire Fighter Exam Fee $85
Surgical Technology Exam Fee $190
TEAS $86
TSI Assessment $29 All Sections
$10 Per section

Course Specific Fees

Description Amount
Adult High School Materials Fee $10/$20
(Art, BCIS, & BIM)
Adult High School Tuition $275
Computer Science Program Fee $24 - $75
Commercial Music Fee $75
EMS AHA Card Fee $3 (CPR)
$15 (Advanced)
EMS OR Fee $25 (Basic)
$40 (Advanced)
EMT Online Web Tool Fee $110
HS-Film Badge Fee $10 - $26
HS-Liability Insurance Fee $10 - $34
Music Fee $145
Phlebotomy Liability Fee $12
Phlebotomy Materials and Supplies $10 - $60
Police In-Service Mat/Test Fee $50
AEL Registration Fee Literacy $20
AEL Registration Fee Math & Reading $60
Textbook Fee Varies per course

Exemptions and Waivers

HCC offers tuition and fees exemptions and waivers to eligible students, including the Hazlewood Exemption and Military Waiver for Veteran and Military-Affiliated students.

To view the full list of exemptions/waivers, visit www.hccs.edu/resources-for/current-students/student-financial-services/waivers-and-exemptions.

Flexible-Entry Course Fees

“Flex Term” or “Flexible Entry” courses begin and end on the dates which are different from the regular semester. The cost of courses taken in the flex-entry term is the same as for regular semester-hour courses.

Laboratory/Supply Fees

Laboratory supply fees, which help defray the cost of materials used in lab classes, vary. Certain programs have program-specific fees. Check course listings in the HCC Catalog & Student Handbook for additional fees in some classes.

Continuing Education Unit Course Tuition and Fees

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) course tuition and fees are based on the expenses unique to each course and/or program. Therefore, each course is priced individually. For a schedule of classes and for more information on tuition and fees and refunds, contact the School of Continuing Education at 713-718-5303 or visit www.hccs.edu/continuing-education.

Adult High School Costs

Adult High School (AHS) is a credit recovery and/or original credit program for students seeking credit toward their high school graduation requirements (students recovering/completing credit receive a high school diploma).  Current high school students will need a referral from their high school counselor before registering for any AHS class. For more information, including AHS locations and courses, call 713-718-6711 or visit  http://www.hccs.edu/programs/adult-education/adult-high-school. The costs associated with this program are as follows:

  • Recovery Credit - $175 per half-credit
  • Original Credit (online) - $275 per half-credit

Tuition Rebate Program

Consistent with Texas law, HCC students who go on to graduate with a baccalaureate degree from a Texas public university may qualify to receive $1,000 from the baccalaureate-granting institution if they meet the following criteria:

  • Must have enrolled in a Texas public institution of higher education in fall 1997 or thereafter;
  • Must have been a resident of Texas and entitled to pay in-state tuition at all times while pursuing the degree;
  • Must have received a baccalaureate degree from a Texas public university; or
  • Must have attempted no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number of semester hours required to complete the degree in the catalog under which one graduated.

Hours attempted include transfer credits, course credits earned exclusively by examination, courses that are dropped after the official census date. Hours attempted shall not include: course credit that is earned to satisfy requirements for a ROTC program but that is not required to complete the degree program; course credit, other than course credit earned exclusively by examination, that is earned before graduating from high school; and courses dropped for reasons that are determined by the institution to be totally beyond the control of the student.

Students are encouraged to consult advisors to plan their course of study at the community college level to maximize their chances of qualifying for this rebate when they transfer and graduate from a college or university with a baccalaureate degree, and to look at baccalaureate granting institutions.

Tuition and Fees Payment

When a student registers for any class at Houston Community College (HCC) or receives any service from HCC, that student accepts full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees, and other associated costs assessed as a result of registration and/or receipt of services.

Students should carefully review the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement and Acknowledgment of HCC Policies to understand their financial obligations to HCC: https://www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/student-financial-services/student-financial-responsibility-agreement/.

Tuition bills will not be mailed to students. Students may view or print their current bill by logging into their student account by visiting www.myeagle.hccs.edu. Students with questions about their tuition can contact the Bursar’s Office at 713-718-5077.

Payments and Payment Plans

HCC makes education affordable to students. Students have several options to pay their tuition and fees. Information on the payment options available to students, including installment plans, is available at: www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/student-financial-services/make-installment-payments-over-time/

At the time of registration, students will need to select their intended payment option to complete their enrollment. All HCC students are expected to pay their account balance in full or make payment arrangements according to the payment option selected during enrollment. For each payment option, payment to HCC is required within a specific timeframe. Students are not registered for any course until the full account balance is paid in full, or a payment plan contract is executed.

Students who fail to make payments within the payment timeframe allotted may be dropped from some or all classes and will be required to register again. Course/section availability cannot be guaranteed upon re-registration.

Students are responsible for paying all charges arising from registration/enrollment, including costs not covered by financial aid. These may include charges arising from reduction of financial aid award(s) due to change in enrollment and/or eligibility status. Contact Student Financial Services to make payment arrangements or use this link  www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/student-financial-services/make-installment-payments-over-time/. More information about Financial Aid can be found elsewhere in this Catalog and Student Handbook.

Pay Online

Tuition and fees can be paid in full online by visiting myeagle.hccs.edu and following the steps outlined below:

  • On the MyEagle home page, select “Student Sign-In.”
  • Enter Web User ID and Password or follow the instructions to obtain the Web User ID and Password.
  • After signing on, verify address and phone data. If no changes are necessary, click on continue.
  • Acknowledge Student Financial Responsibility and HCC Policies to continue.
  • On the Student Center, click “Make a Payment or Set up a Payment Plan.”
  • Select “Click here to make a payment” or “Enroll in Payment Plan.” Complete the payment plan enrollment as directed.
  • Enter credit card/checking account information.
  • Enter student email address.
  • Review information.
  • Submit payment.
  • Receive confirmation that payment has been accepted.

If the credit card is declined, a student may repeat the process using a different credit card.

Pay in Person

When campuses are open and during certain hours, students may pay by check, credit card, or money order at any cashier’s window. Students may call the Cashier’s Office prior to visiting a campus to confirm that their preferred payment method is accepted at that specific location.

If students are receiving a tuition waiver or tuition is billed to a company or agency, those students must present the waiver or voucher to pay in person. The remaining balance should be paid in full or a Payment Plan must be set up.

A complete listing of all Cashier’s Offices by college, including contact and location information, can be found at www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/student-financial-services/connect-with-bursar-cashierbusiness-offices/

Returned Checks

A $25 returned check fee may be assessed when a check payment or an electronic check (e-check) payment is returned unpaid.

Student Account Delinquent Balances

Holds will be placed on the student record preventing registration, grades, transcripts, and other college services as the account balance becomes delinquent. The account balance may be comprised of late tuition, fees, fines, or material the student has borrowed from HCC and not returned. Balances not settled may be forwarded to a collection agency. It is the student’s responsibility to pay collection fees, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 24-percent of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred in such collection efforts.

Notification of the outstanding student account balance is delivered by email to the student’s college email address and/or personal emails on file. Students can always view the balance and details online. It is the student’s responsibility to update their email and mailing addresses each time there is a change. Notifications sent by the College through any of these addresses are considered delivered.

Students are encouraged to check their account balance by logging into their student account by visiting myeagle.hccs.edu.

Refunds and Credit Balances

HCC Eagle Card

HCC uses BankMobile Disbursement to manage student refunds through the HCC Eagle Card. Students can choose either to open a BankMobile account or have their refunds deposited to an existing account by clicking “Choose a Refund Option” button on their student center page.

Credit Balances and Refunds

Credits generated as a result from dropped/cancelled courses and/or arising from overpayments shall be refunded after the official date of record or earlier upon student request to bursar.refunds@hccs.edu. Credits resulting from credit card payments shall be refunded to the same credit card used for initial payment as the first option. However, if it is not practicable, HCC may refund it through HCC Eagle Card. Credits resulting from cash, checks, and money order payments will be reimbursed through BankMobile Disbursement.

Amount of refunds for withdrawals are determined in accordance with the Drop and Withdrawal Refund Schedule based on total semester fees. If the student has established a payment plan, any remaining installment payments due are deducted from the refund amount. Any reduction in the balance due to a withdrawal will be adjusted on the remaining installments.

Course withdrawal does not release the student from the obligation to pay any balance owed to the College. One hundred percent refund before class begins of ALL tuition and fees will be made when the College chooses not to offer the class, College error is involved, or before the applicable drop deadline. See below for additional information.

Refund of Financial Aid Residual

The Financial Aid Office determines the schedule of financial aid refunds in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education. More information is available by calling the Financial Aid District Call Center at 713-718-2000, and select option 2.

Drop and Withdrawal Refund Schedule

100% Refund Dates on Drops/Withdrawals are listed on the schedule and are determined by Texas law. *

Class Length Last Day for 70%
Refund *                   
Last Day for 25%
2 or less wks. 2nd day n/a
3 wks. 3rd day 4th day
4 wks. 4th day 5th day
5 wks. 5th day 6th day
6 wks. 5th day 7th day
7 wks. 7th day 9th day
8 wks. 8th day 10th day
9 wks. 9th day 11th day
10 wks. 9th day 12th day
11 wks. 10th day 14th day
12 wks. 12th day 15th day
13 wks. 13th day 16th day
14 wks. 13th day 17th day
15 wks. 14th day 19th day
16 wks. or more        15th day 20th day

*A $15 Change of Schedule Fee is deducted after computing the percentage refund.

All non-refundable fees will be deducted before the percentage for refund is applied.

Non-Refundable Fees

NOTE: HCC does not refund the following fees for any reason other than that the selected class fails to have adequate enrollment to be offered in the selected term.

Drop/Add - $15

Returned Check - $25

Stop Payment - $25

Payment Plan Enrollment - $30

Payment Plan Late - $10

International Application - $75
(One-time charge for F, M, or J Visas only)

International Orientation - $50

Deferment/Reproduction - $50

Transcript - $5*

Transcript via Overnight Express or Fax - $15

Advanced Standing Examination for College Credit (per course) - $25

Advanced Standing Credit (per evaluation) - $25

*An additional service provider fee is required if transcript is requested by phone or online. There is no fee if a transcript is requested in-person. During times no in-person request is possible, all requests must be received by phone or online.

Continuing Education Refund Policy

A full refund can only be awarded if a student withdraws before or on the first class meeting date or if the class is cancelled. There are no partial refunds.

Refunds are processed between one to two weeks after the credits resulting from dropped or cancelled classes. If the payment is made by credit card, it will be refunded via credit card. If the payment is made by cash, check, or money order, it will be reimbursed by check. Tuition and fees paid directly to the institution by a sponsor or covered by scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the students.

Refunds may only be mailed to the name and address on the student’s record. Any refund mailed to the name and address on record is considered delivered. The Stop Payment Fee to re-issue a refund check mailed to an incorrect address is $25 which will be deducted from the re-issued refund.

Financial Aid and Financial Aid TV (FATV)

Financial Aid Resources

Houston Community College’s Financial Aid Office is committed to helping students find the financial assistance needed to help meet their educational goals. The College participates in various state and federal grants, work-study, loan, and scholarship programs. Most of these programs are available to anyone who demonstrates financial need and qualifies academically. Students interested in obtaining financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can be accessed at studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.

Financial Aid TV (FATV) at www.hccs.financialaidtv.com is a web-based, self-service financial aid advising and outreach resource which allows students to find answers to common financial aid questions online rather than having to visit the financial aid office in person. FATV consists of a video library of more than sixty videos that cover topics such as financial literacy, financial aid, and financial advisement. FATV is a natural extension of HCC’s financial aid services and is now available to current and prospective students on the web 24/7.

For answers to frequently asked questions and other resources, go to

Students can speak to a representative by calling the Financial Aid District Call Center at 713-718-2000 option 2, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For the hours of operation and locations of the campus financial aid offices, please visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/contact.


Grants are gift aid from federal and state government that do not have to be repaid. The Federal Pell Grant is the primary grant program. Grants are awarded to students based on need, enrollment level, and expected family contribution (EFC).  Students who have already earned a bachelor, master, or professional degree are not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. Federal Pell Grant funding is limited to the equivalent of twelve full-time terms (life-time eligibility), starting from the first time the student received Federal Pell Grant funding. If the student has already received the equivalent of or exceeded the twelve full-time term limit, the student will no longer be able to receive Pell Grant funds. Pell Grant payments can be viewed on NSLDS at www.nslds.ed.gov/npas/index.htm.

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is a federal grant program based on extreme financial need for students who are Pell eligible. Students are automatically considered for this grant based on the results of the FAFSA. Students with the greatest need are awarded these limited funds.

Texas Public Education Grants (TPEG) and Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) are both authorized by the State of Texas from tuition revenues generated by Houston Community College.

When Should I Apply?

Students should apply for financial aid each year beginning October 1 for the following school year. At HCC, April 15 is the Priority Deadline date for student aid applications. Students who meet the deadline date and qualify may be awarded aid in time to register and purchase books. The deadline for submitting an application for a federal student loan for the fall and spring semesters and the spring only semester is March 1 of the prior school year. Financial aid applications are accepted after the Priority Deadline; however, financial aid awards may not be available to pay for tuition, fees, and books at the time of registration. Students who submit a financial aid application after the Priority Deadline must be prepared to make other arrangements to pay for books, tuitions, and fees. The Installment Payment Plan is available through the College Cashier’s Office. See also Cost of Attendance and Refund Information above.


Loans must be repaid. Repayment begins after a student completes his/her/their educational program or once he/she/they is no longer enrolled at least half-time, whichever occurs first. The Federal Direct Student Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) are two of the major loan programs. HCC also offers the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).

Emergency Loans 

A limited amount of money is available as emergency loans to those who need help to pay for tuition, mandatory fees, and textbooks. Emergency loans are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and must be repaid within thirty days. A student must show financial need to receive an emergency loan and provide proof of his/her/their ability to repay the loan. For more information, please contact your financial aid coach.  Additional information about support for students requesting assistance with basic needs, such as food or housing, may be found at www.hccs.edu/support-services/counseling/hcc-cares/basic-needs-resources/.

College Work-Study Programs

The College Work-Study Program (CWS) provides jobs for students who demonstrate financial need and allows them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to the course of study. The College offers the Federal College Work-Study (FCWS), Texas Work-Study Student Mentorship, and Texas Work-Study (TXCWS) Programs.


Scholarships are gift funds that do not have to be repaid. HCC coordinates a variety of institutional, foundation, and private scholarships. Students should apply as early as possible, as all scholarship applications and awards have a deadline. See below for more information.

HCC Foundation Scholarships

A wide variety of scholarships are available to HCC students through the HCC Foundation. Most scholarships require that the student be enrolled in at least six credit hours at HCC per semester; many require enrollment in nine or twelve credit hours per semester. Applicants will be considered for every scholarship for which they appear eligible. The HCC Foundation has one online scholarship application that includes Academic, Workforce, and Opportunity 14 scholarships. The HCC Foundation’s online application for the following academic year opens annually on January 15th and closes on June 15th. 

The Annual Scholarship Application can be accessed at www.hccsfoundation.org/annualscholarship.

Student Financial Management Resources

Financial Coaches

HCC’s Financial Coaches connect students with on-campus and community resources that will help students achieve academic success; push through financial emergencies; make refunds last longer; and start making steps toward financial security.

For one-on-one financial coaching to help students create a budget, find ways to save, tackle debt, improve credit and address financial emergencies, please email hcc.fincoach@hccs.edu.

For more information, please visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/financial-coach.

Student Debt Management and Repayment Options

HCC’s Financial Coaches are committed to informing students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members about public service loan forgiveness and affordable, income-based federal student loan repayment options.

To learn more about repayment options and tips to avoid repayment scams, visit www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/financial-coach.

Assistance is available by emailing www.hcc.fincoach@hccs.edu, calling the Financial Aid Call Center 713-718-2000 option 2, and at a campus Financial Aid office. A list of campus Financial Aid office locations and hours is available at www.hccs.edu/applying-and-paying/financial-aid/contact.

Credit Report

Most students will obtain students loans and credit cards to manage their college expenses. It is important for students to review their credit report at least once per year to ensure this information is accurate, prevent identity theft, and be aware of their financial obligations. A credit report will show a student’s bill payment history, current debt, and other financial information.  There are four categories of information in a credit report:

  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII): The student’s name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, and employment information are used as identification. PII is not used to calculate a credit score. Updates to this information come from information supplied to lenders when the student applies for new credit.
  2. Credit Accounts:  Lenders report on each account established with them. This includes the type of account (credit card, auto loan, student loan, etc.), the date the account was opened, the credit limit or loan amount, the account balance and payment history, and whether or not payments have been made on time.
  3. Credit Inquiries:  When a student applies for a new credit card or loan, this authorizes a lender to obtain a copy of the student’s credit report. When getting an apartment, the landlord will also run a credit check to ensure the student is financially responsible. The credit inquiries section contains lists everyone who accessed the student’s credit report within the last two years.
  4. Public Record and Collections:  Credit bureaus also collect public record information from state and county courts, including bankruptcies. Debt that is overdue and has been sent to collections appears on a credit report, such as unpaid student loans.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows individuals to order one free copy of their report from each of the three nationwide credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) every twelve months. Individuals may order a report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies at the same time, or one at a time. Please note that the free report does not provide a credit score, but a score can be obtained for a nominal fee.

To order a free credit report visit: www.annualcreditreport.com, call 1-877-322-8228, or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. 

Students are encouraged to seek out help from HCC’s Financial Coaches for help managing credit and student loan debt by emailing hcc.fincoach@hccs.edu.