2021-2022 Continuing Education Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2021-2022 Continuing Education Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


HCC Libraries and Learning Resources 

HCC Libraries are welcoming spaces to study and connect to resources and learning. Libraries are normally open seven days a week, subject to special circumstances such as the COVID-19 Emergency, and are here to help students succeed. The HCC library system consists of nine libraries and six electronic resource centers (ERCs). Students have access to more than 580,000 electronic, print, and multi-media resources. The catalog is updated frequently and provides easy access for navigating library resources. Eagle Library Search provides access to the HCC online catalog and more than 100 of the HCC licensed databases in a single search. HCC’s online library catalog, Eagle Library Search and databases are accessible on and off campus. HCC librarians guide students to the resources they need through reference, course-related library, and webinars. For more information regarding all of HCC’s Library resources, services and locations, please visit www.library.hccs.edu.

More Than Books and Databases

HCC Libraries provides access to computers, printing, photocopying, scanning, DVDs, streaming video, Chromebooks, study rooms, 3D printing, and one-button studio access in certain locations. Assistive technology includes laptops with ADA software installed, TOPAZ video magnifiers, purple phones, and more. More information regarding these resources is available at www.library.hccs.edu/accessibility.

Logging into Databases and Library Account

HCC licensed databases can be accessed anywhere using a student’s HCC ID (“W” number) and the same password used to access a student’s HCC email, student account, and computers. Library accounts are used to request items from any HCC library and renew items. To login to a student’s library account, a student should use his/her first name and last name, leaving a space between. A student’s password will be his/her library barcode number from his/her student ID card. For more information, go to www.library.hccs.edu/howdoi.

Checking Out Materials

A student ID card is a library card. Library material may be checked out for three weeks and renewed twice. Students can renew twice by telephone or the library website.

Overdue Library Materials

The card inside books shows when materials are to be returned. If a student fails to return materials, a “hold” status is reported and reflected on their student record(s). A hold will affect a student’s ability to register for additional courses or obtain a transcript. Students will be blocked from further borrowing until the materials due are returned to the library. Lost, damaged, and stolen items are the responsibility of the borrower.

Materials from Other Libraries

In the event the HCC Libraries do not own a particular item student need for their research, students, faculty, and staff have full privileges to the TexShare Card Program and to the interlibrary loan program which expands access to the collections of all participating libraries. Students will be subject to the loan rules of each individual institution-both as to the number of items they may check out and how long they may keep them out. Students will be responsible for any overdue fines or lost book fees that a particular library may charge.


Students may purchase textbooks, study aids, and a wide range of novelty items and apparel at the college bookstore. Students are encouraged to purchase books prior to the first day of class and can locate their course materials online at www.hccs.bncollege.com. Students should bring a copy of their class schedule to ensure that they are purchasing the correct texts. The bookstore will issue full refunds for textbooks during the first week of each term, provided the textbook is in original condition as when purchased and the original receipt is presented with request. For more information, visit www.hccs.bncollege.com. Students may also purchase their required texts at other retailers. Students with concerns should contact their instructor or Dean of Student Success.

For more information regarding HCC’s policies regarding textbooks, please see Board Policies EDA(LEGAL) and EDA(LOCAL) located at www.hccs.edu/about-hcc/policies/hcc-board-policy-manual-section-e.

Student Activities 

The Student Life and Recreational Sports Offices offer activities and programs that extend students’ personal and intellectual growth. Some of the activities include student government, student associations, clubs, and organizations relating to student interests, honor societies, student publications (The Egalitarian and organization newsletters), recreational and intramural sports, as well as cultural, social, educational, and leadership development activities. Certain qualifications for participation may apply to certain activities. To get involved and find out more, including a more complete list of activities, visit hccs.presence.io.

Student Associations, Clubs, and Organizations

To search for the available associations, clubs, or organizations on campus, go to https://hccs.presence.io/organizations.

Registered students are eligible to be members of their respective college’s student associations, clubs, or organizations. Membership is activated by attendance at a meeting. Voting and other privileges are determined by the individual association/club/organization’s Rules of Self-Government. Students interested in participating in or starting organizations should contact their campus Student Life Coordinator for more information.

United Student Council

The United Student Council is a district-wide student government organization that represents the greater Houston Community College District. Unlike Student Government Associations that are campus specific, the USC has advisory jurisdiction on matters of concern regarding all HCC locations. The USC is a fantastic opportunity for aspiring student leaders to get involved in extra-curricular activities and expand their horizons. For more information, visit

Recreational Sports (Rec Sports)

HCC offers Recreational Sports and Wellness Activities to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning. For more information on the available activities and to sign up, go to www.hccs.edu/recsports.

The Egalitarian

The Egalitarian is the student media outlet of HCC, written and produced by students. The Egalitarian promotes the free exchange of ideas and information throughout the college, subject to applicable policies and law. The newspaper staff maintains a high standard of excellence.

For more information, see www.hccegalitarian.com.